You know in your bones that you are ready to awaken your intuition, own your gifts and claim your soul-aligned path.


ROOTS is a 10-module program that includes lifetime access to The Sisterhood - a dynamic, nurturing feminine collective. If you are looking for an empowering program and a group of like-minded women who are creating their life one bold, courageous step at a time, this is for you. 


Are You Ready To Do The Best Work Of Your Life?

Listen, let's just put it out there in plain sight. There is a lot going on in the world right now and not all of it feels amazing.

Things are changing. The world is recalibrating to a new way and the energetic upgrades feel like a cosmic kick in the pants on an ongoing basis.

Yoga, nature, wine + Netflix are no longer enough support for this journey you sense you are on.

And yet, not everything is bad. There has been space to gain clarity on what's truly important and although it's not always been easy, you've likely understood more about what truly lights you up and what you are no longer available for. 

Difficult conversations have surfaced. Hard realizations about where you've been leaking energy. Grief. Letting go of relationships, agreements, social circles and beliefs. And somewhere in there you may even have had to find the courage to stand in your truth with more conviction and align your actions with your inner North Star - because something in you told you it was necessary.

 I feel you Sister. 



Are you feeling like you:


βœ“ Desire more clarity around who you are + why you are here?

βœ“ Let lack of confidence and fear get in your way of living the life you are truly meant for?

βœ“ Hold space for everyone else except you, especially when it counts?

βœ“ Repress your feminine energy or feel disconnected from this part of you?

βœ“ Lack boundaries in one or more areas of your life and know it's time to change this? 

βœ“ Feel exhausted, resentful and separated from the essence of who you are? 

βœ“ Have a hard time hearing, trusting and following your inner guidance + intuition?

βœ“ Sense that it's time to let go of what's 'no longer' to make room for 'what will be'?

βœ“ Desire a powerful network of females in your life who inspire, support + elevate you?

βœ“ Want a deeper understanding of your core values and personal code of conduct?

βœ“ Want to speak your truth with more courage and conviction, especially when you feel called?

βœ“ Sense that you are here for something more + you know it starts within you?

If so, you aren't alone. It's time to claim the life that you are meant to live and now, more than ever, the world is waiting for you to stand in your brilliance.

Your heart is a portal.

Your heart is the access point to your soul and when you are able to find the courage to live life from this place, you connect to the infinite wisdom and divine intelligence that resides within you. 

Do You Sense You're Here For More?

Not just more achievement -  more alignment.  More freedom.  More authenticity and more sovereignty.

Women all over the world are feeling called to step into themselves in a way they have never felt before. And although this may feel like an epic call-to-action, it is nothing more than choosing to be in flow with who you are and have always been at the core of your being.

Consider this to be less about learning and more about remembering the brilliance of who you are and Sister, if you are here reading this - you know this is not by chance. 


“This program was raw, heart-opening and so beneficial for me.” 

"After completing the ROOTS program, I feel I have the tools and foundation to continue my soul journey.  The program was raw, heart-opening and so beneficial for me. The connections I made with like-minded women made me feel supported and connected. Laura is a beautiful soul with so much wisdom. Her authenticity is magnetic and inspiring.  I highly recommend this program. It has changed the way I show up in the world."

Nadia P.


How does ROOTS work?

ROOTS Program:
10 Live Weekly Modules

The ROOTS program includes 10-live weekly modules spread out over 12 weeks -  led by Dr. Laura Foster on Zoom video calls.

The first session is on Thursday, October 27th. All remaining live classes are weekly on Tuesdays (7:30-8:45 pm EST) from November 1- January 10th (no session Nov 15th or Dec 27th)

Each class has accompanying exercises, creative activities to integrate the understanding and full access to all recordings in case you are unable to attend live.

Tools + Resources
to Support Your Rise

All the resources are available to you 24/7 on your own private portal to the Roots platform.

There you will find audio messages from Laura, journal prompts, interviews with inspired humans, Q+A sessions, yoga + meditation classes, custom music playlists, oracle card messages and access to our private group chat on Telegram. 

You will have lifetime access to these materials.

The Sisterhood Collective

When the ROOTS program comes to a close, you’ll transition into The Sisterhood: a beautiful collective of women who have completed ROOTS now and in the past.

This group is a fierce and loving group of badass women who are committed to boldly and unapologetically living the life that is meant for them. 

Your lifetime access to this group includes ongoing live monthly sessions. These women become a rich resource for your continued evolution.

What Are You Being Called To Create In Your Life? And More Importantly, How Do You Want To Rise To Answer That Call?

Meet Your Guide

Hi, I’m Dr. Laura Foster!

I’m a life and mindset coach, retired Chiropractor, yogi, retreat leader and founder of Soul Inspired Gurl. I created this business on a mission to lead women back to themselves.

Ahhhh... where to start. 

For years, I lived a life that appeared to "check all the boxes." I'd built an incredible career as a chiropractor. I was married and had two kids I adored. My life was full and truthfully, more than I could've imagined for myself -- but the reality was, it didn't feel the way I needed it to feel. 

I had accomplished what I always imagined success would and should feel like, and I did it all with the best intentions…

But in the process, I didn't have the relationship within myself that I desired. 

This led to a deep realization (my breakdown), a period of soul-searching and honest reflection, that resulted in me finding the courage to redefine and align my life on my terms (my breakthrough). And along the way I discovered and explored my spiritual gifts. 

I've spent the last decade living and teaching this work to women who are ready to call back the parts of themselves they've left behind, deepen the relationship they have within themselves and stand more courageously in their gifts.

And then 2020 happened and I see that this work was divinely timed.

We are here to do the deep inner work and to persevere even when it seems dark and dismissal. Your light and truth is within you and right here, right now, is the time to align with your powerful inner, authentic truth and shine your light into the universe. This may seem like the time to focus on what's going on in the outer world, but Sister -- its the opposite. It's the time to go within and cultivate deep inner peace and become a beacon for the rise of our collective consciousness. 

In your journey, there will be "in between times" of transition.

You may feel lost, confused, angry, unseen or empty. Don't confuse these times of transition as a forever state of being; or being broken. You are breaking away from what was, creating space. to welcome what will be. 


Let's talk about your investment.


Member Benefits

➝ Free LIFETIME Access To The ROOTS Program 
You have lifetime access to the entire program + resources so take your time with the program and the process. Even though the classes are live, all the recordings, associated resources and juicy add-ons are there for you whenever you need them.

➝ Free Access To The Sisterhood
The Sisterhood is the collective of conscious women who have all experienced the roots PROGRAM now and in the past. Every month there is a live session with all the Sisters led by Dr. Laura Foster. Together we learn, remember, collaborate and co-create. 

➝ VIP Option
There are a limited number of spots for those women who would like to add EIGHT 1:1 Coaching Calls with Dr. Laura to their ROOTS experience. This is an opportunity to leverage your experience by working one-on-one in personal sessions. Lump sum and 5 monthly payment plans are available.

➝ Flexible Pricing
We never want cost to be a roadblock to growth! You can choose between a lump sum payment, or spread out the love with a payment plan of 4 monthly payments. 


What's Inside ROOTS?

Thursday, Oct 27th


Setting The Baseline

In this module we explore our foundational premises and our current beliefs.  Our mindset + our heartset work as one vibration. This session sets the stage for greater clarity, connection and discovery of our gifts and inborn potential.

Tuesday, Nov 1st


Awakening To Your Intuition

Your intuition is your superpower + speaking to you 24/7. 

These empowering strategies will help you connect more powerfully to your intuition and inner guidance.

Tuesday, Nov 8th


Self Awareness + Conscious Curiosity

Connect to the truth of your life through the cultivation of compassionate self awareness. 

Exploring the topic of resistance and opening up the channel of flow + acceptance.

Tuesday, Nov 22nd


Rising Above Barriers

Together we consider the cost of allowing obstacles to stand in the way of the life that is trying to make its way to you.  

Strategies to bridge the gap between you are + where you want to BE.

Tuesday, Nov 29th


Speaking Your Truth

A dynamic session of self inquiry into speaking your truth when you feel called in a way that empowers you, your relationships and the work you are meant to do in the world. 

There is so much to unpack here in this powerful module.

Tuesday, Dec 6th


Boundaries + Identity

Healthy boundaries: how to identify what isn't working, step-by-step strategy to create more honouring boundaries and who you become along the way that makes it all so worthwhile. 

A perennial favourite topic that packs a ton of powerful awareness.

Tuesday, Dec 13th


Personal Core Values

Your core values are your personal code of conduct in a world that will happily tell you who you are despite knowing the essence of you.

A step-by-step module that clarifies your core values and identifies what brings you inner peace and deep fulfillment -- a key element in your path to self-mastery.

Tuesday, Dec 20th


Self Compassion + Your Soul's Journey

True self compassion is the cornerstone of personal growth and a significant part of your soul's journey.

In this session we consider our relationship to self compassion and how to mindfully cultivate a greater presence of compassion, allowing and surrendering. 

Tuesday, Jan 3rd


Welcoming Your Future Self

The quantum field responds to your thoughts, feelings, actions + vibration. Do you know who you are becoming? As we play in the field of possibility, you will intuitively + consciously create a vision of her.

What would it mean for your life right now to be deeply connected to your future self? 

Saturday, Jan 10th


The Frequency of Your Rise

This session is where we pull all the pieces together. At the conclusion of this session you will leave ROOTS + enter The Sisterhood with a clear, concise, heart-led document that is essentially your soul blueprint. Layer by layer we weave together the essence of your deepest truths, most soulful honouring and authentic expression of who you are.

A celebration of YOU + what lies ahead. 

And the fun doesn't stop there...

The 10-week ROOTS program flows into lifetime access to the ROOTS SISTERHOOD, our online community of incredible women. We'll have ongoing workshops and conversations around the topics that matter most, soul inspired interviews with like-minded women, embodiment yoga sessions, guided meditations, journal sessions and more.


Find answers to your FAQs below.

Is ROOTS + The Sisterhood going to be intense?

Not being able to make a decision – that’s frustrating.
Lying to ourselves – that’s difficult.
What we do to avoid the truth – that’s complicated.

Acknowledging your truth and speaking that truth into the world?
Getting clear on your path and learning empowering ways to support your own rise?

That's beautifully easy with the right mindset, strategies, support + Sisterhood.



 Join our waitlist for early booking bonuses!



  • ROOTS program with 10 modules, each deepening of our 5 S’s: Self-confidence, self-esteem, self-honouring, self-identity and self-love.
  • 10 weekly live group calls + accompanying PDF - replays recorded for those who can’t attend live.
  • Hardcover ROOTS journal + welcome packet delivered to your door.
  • Additional resources such as yoga/meditation classes, inspired playlists, interviews, live journaling and Q+A sessions.
  • Access to a private group platform where you can connect with Dr Laura and the other women of ROOTS as you move through the program.
  • Includes LIFETIME access to the growing Sisterhood community with ongoing live sessions and resources. 




  • 8 private 50 min 1:1 coaching sessions with Dr. Laura
  • ROOTS program with 10 modules, each deepening of our 5 S’s: Self-confidence, self-esteem, self-honouring, self-identity and self-love.
  • 10 weekly live group calls + accompanying PDF - replays recorded for those who can’t attend live.
  • Hardcover ROOTS journal + welcome packet delivered to your door.
  • Additional resources such as yoga/meditation classes, inspired playlists, interviews, live journaling and Q+A sessions.
  • Access to a private group platform where you can connect with Dr Laura and the other women of ROOTS as you move through the program.
  • Includes LIFETIME access to the growing Sisterhood community with ongoing live sessions and resources. 

Nadia P.

"I was feeling stuck and felt I needed a change but didn't know where to start and how that would look like.

After completing the ROOTS program, I feel I have the tools and foundation to continue my soul journey.  The program was raw, heart-opening and so beneficial for me. These will be tools that I will carry forward with me. The connections I made with like-minded women made me feel supported and connected. Laura is a beautiful soul with so much wisdom, her authenticity is magnetic and inspiring.  

I highly recommend this program. It has changed the way I want to show up in the world."

Lora G.

“Through Laura’s unique programs, juicy offerings and soul inspired support, I have come away with the best gift ever, I remembered who I am and felt a clear sense of what I want with this one beautiful life. Laura’s outstanding programs and passion for the Feminine Rise will change your life!

When the opportunity comes to work with Laura I highly recommend you say yes, because the amazing life you are waiting to live is also waiting for you!"

Jane R.

"The entire ROOTS program: the process of getting to know the other women, knowing ourselves and learning tools to keep bringing us back to our core values is priceless. Honestly I thought, "how can all this be achieved virtually?" And yet it completely exceeded my expectations. Thinking of the ladies in this group make me smile. It warms my heart to know everyone is there for the same reason,  No judgement, no shame and no competition. Just heart."

Natasha S.

"Along with the ROOTS program I did the one-on-one coaching, The program and Sisterhood is such a safe, sacred container of love, truth and connection. Having the weekly live sessions are amazing. Laura provides great insights. The modules are empowering and thought -provoking and allowed me to dive deep into who I am, WHO I REALLY AM, in a gentle, loving, kind way. There are fantastic workbooks, journaling sessions, playlists, yoga/meditation, interviews... the list just goes on and on. It’s a soul-driven, heartfelt program with real substance and intention behind it.  

I can’t thank Laura enough for sharing her truth and creating this program, it has been a true gift."

Sandra U.

"Although I did not take advantage of everything the ROOTS program had to offer, other than the live Zoom gatherings, the offerings and opportunities are plentiful for those who desire them and they have continued and even multiplied into The Sisterhood for when I choose to join in.  Laura has birthed a very special space for women, born of her deep love of self-care/love, connection, community, expressing the divine feminine and authenticity.  She truly walks her talk.   I love and appreciate sharing in her energy! 

Laura created and continues to create a space where one can share with like-minded peeps be it through listening, encouragement and/or voicing out loud what needs to be spoken in a space of acceptance."

Nicole C.

"I have always loved working with Laura but the ROOTS program took things to a new level for me.This was so much more than just another online program for me - it was a reminder of who I am and how I want to feel.  This will continue to be a journey for me and I am so grateful that I have this Sisterhood as a support teamπŸ’•"

Lea K.

“Laura’s programs are clearly created from her heart and soul and filled with integrity, love, knowledge and passion. She has a gift for holding space and gently encouraging women to come together without judgment to be their authentic selves.”

Gail M.

"I began personal coaching and really had the idea that our sessions would be focused on my yoga teaching business ... growing it, moving forward with it in these whacky times. Well, it was, but as it turns out it was so much more than that. Our sessions were very organic from the beginning. Each coaching call was about what I needed in that moment.  A conversation that starts out about social media posts, quickly shifts into some major life altering chats!! (if you know you know, and if you don't know you really should find out).

Laura listens with her whole heart.   She is incredibly intuitive, kind, and I believe, a resilient, open-minded human being. So very grateful for Laura, her personal coaching offerings & mentorship and being part of ROOTS and The Sisterhood."

Christine B.

"The ROOTS program couldn’t have come to me at a better time. I was looking for a place to connect with like-minded women and I sure found it. Each week we dove deeper into who we are and in the short 10-weeks I have learned more about myself than I have in years. I highly recommend this program and the one-on-one coaching with Laura."

Kathy F.

"I will never forget my first “call” with Laura, and how awkward I felt. She asked me questions to which I replied “I don’t know” or “I am not sure” and talked about or told myself things that I later realized were not even true. They were not lies, they just were not accurate. As the weeks progressed, I found myself (and still do) saying things that I didn’t even know I felt. I have worked with Laura for just over a year now, and, I can honestly say, I am not the same person I was behind the email I sent that day in October of 2019. I am confident and strong. I have learned to acknowledge and speak my truth. I have learned to honour myself and what my mind, soul and body needs. I still have a very, very long way to go on this journey. But instead of it being a journey I once did not know how to take, and was even afraid to sometimes, it is now one I look forward to continuing EVERY. SINGLE. DAY."

Andrea W.

“The Universe has a funny way of putting everything in your path as you need it and that was exactly my experience with Laura’s program. After one hell of a rollercoaster ride this year, I was desperately seeking to reignite my spark and honestly, get out of my head and get out of my own way and start to live the life I have always dreamed for myself. Your program has kickstarted all of that for me!"